July 13 (Reuters) - Counterpath Corp PATH.TO
* Counterpath reports fourth quarter and fiscal 2017 financial results
* Counterpath Corp - revenue of $2.4 million for Q4 of fiscal 2017, versus $3.0 million for q4 of fiscal 2016
* Counterpath Corp - expects revenue growth in Q1 of fiscal 2018 compared to Q4 of fiscal 2017
* Counterpath Corp - company expects revenue growth in Q1 of fiscal 2018 compared to Q4 of fiscal 2017
* Counterpath Corp - Qtrly GAAP loss per share $0.17
* Counterpath Corp qtrly non-GAAP loss per share $0.20 Source text for Eikon: ID:nCCNV4c09a Further company coverage: PATH.TO