May 4 (Reuters) - North American Palladium Ltd PDL.TO
* North American Palladium announces first quarter 2017 results
* Q1 loss per share C$0.07
* Q1 revenue rose 36 percent to C$44.3 million
* North American Palladium Ltd - Qtrly mill production of 40,252 ounces of payable palladium was comparable to 40,216 payable ounces produced in q1 2016
* North American Palladium Ltd - Company's previous 2017 guidance of Palladium production remains unchanged
* Qtrly palladium sales of 33,297 ounces versus sales of 37,768 ounces
* All in sustaining cost for second half of 2017 is expected to drop to $550-560 per ounce
* North American Palladium Ltd - Conversion of underground mining operations to sls mining method is expected to be complete by mid-year
* North American Palladium Ltd - AISC for second half of 2017 is expected to drop to $550-560 per ounce Source text for Eikon: ID:nCCN1hskHc Further company coverage: PDL.TO