Metrics similar to Common Equity in the popular category include:
Net Income to Stockholders - This item represents the net income or loss available to preferred and common stockholders and is arrived after adjusting net income to the company.
NOPAT - Net operating profit after tax (NOPAT) is calculated as operating income multiplied by 1 minus the tax rate: NOPAT = Operating Income x (1 - Tax Rate).
Deferred Domestic Taxes - This item represents the deferred amount of domestic taxes, payable by the company to its home country. For a US Company, taxes deferred to the U.S. government will be deferred domestic taxes. For a non-U.S. company, taxes deferred to its own country's government will be considered as deferred domestic taxes.
Deferred Tax Liability, Long-term - A liability created by a difference between accounting for income tax purposes and financial reporting purposes.
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