How does DSM-Firmenich's Net Income to Common Excl Extra Items benchmark against competitors?
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DSM-Firmenich's Net Income to Common Excl Extra Items Benchmarks
Net Cash (Ben Graham) - The sum of cash & short-term investments minus total liabilities.
Amortization of Deferred Charges (CF) - This item represents both amortization and write-off of deferred expenses. Deferred charges result from prepayment of expenses of capital nature (not represented by tangible assets) whose benefit, usually will extend over a period of years from the time of incurrence and so is carried forward for expenses in future years.
Ending Cash (CF) - This item represents cash and cash equivalents as at the end of the period.
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Represents the net income or loss available to common stockholders and is arrived after adjusting preferred stock dividends and other adjustments to n...
Definition of Net Income to Common Excl Extra Items
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