Metrics similar to Fair Value Uncertainty (InvestingPro) in the popular category include:
Fair Value Label - Fair Value label assigned based on the percentage upside when compared to internal fair value estimate. Value is one of UNAVAILABLE, BARGAIN, UNDERVALUED, FAIR, OVERVALUED, or EXPENSIVE
DCF Fair Value Upside - Our estimate of fair value upside for a company using various discounted cash flow analysis methods.
Represents the uncertainty rating we have assigned to our Fair Value estimate.
Definition of Fair Value Uncertainty (InvestingPro)
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Fair Value Uncertainty represents the uncertainty rating we have assigned to the Fair Value estimate.
Each estimate is deemed to have an uncertainty level of:
Low Uncertainty when the company has low price volatility, positive profit margins, and the fair value estimate is derived from a high number of valuation models.
Medium Uncertainty when the company has medium price volatility, predictable profit margins, and the fair value estimate is derived from a medium number of valuation models.
High Uncertainty when the company has medium to high price volatility, negative profit margins, and the fair value estimate is derived from few valuation models.
Very High Uncertainty when the company has high price volatility, volatile profit margins, and the fair value estimate is derived from few valuation models.
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