The markets are a very complex environment and we’re inclined to think that the only way we’re going to be successful in trading them is if we’re able to process all the information we’re being given, all the time. This just isn’t true. In this webinar, we’re going to explore the idea that simplicity is key, and show that the simpler approaches to the market are often the most profitable. We’re going to cover a number of ideas around “simple” trading. Expect to have a lot of your own beliefs and biases challenged as we unpack what really matters, and what is just noise that distracts you.
We’re going to challenge the idea that profitable trading needs to be complicated. It’s pretty easy to think that the trader with more computer screens, or faster computers, or proprietary indicators and research has a huge edge over someone who keeps it simple. This webinar is about exploring ideas – specifically, the idea that simple approaches to the market are not only possible and effective, but also more profitable in the long-run over their more complicated counterparts because they are more robust.
Key topics:
- A single candle vs. a whole pattern
- Where most traders (and systems) go wrong
- Why complicated analysis just keeps you on the wheel, and away from profits
- Pain in trading
- A simple system for you to test yourself
Glenn Howell Glenn Howell is a trader and money-manager based in Johannesburg South Africa, licensed and regulated by the Financial Services Board through Unum Capital (FSB 564). Glenn specializes in Forex trading and is the founder and principle trader at, since 2014. Glenn’s approach to the markets is to keep things simple and follow the path of least resistance to profits.