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Kiana Danial
Registered Users: 50
- Forex
- Stocks
- Technical Analysis
- Risk Management
- Beginners
- Intermediate
The webinar will cover the basics of personal investment portfolio management, and creating customized trading strategies based on your unique financial situation and risk tolerance.
During the webinar, we will discuss the portfolio development methods used by financial advisors, and how you can do it on your own. The topics include risk management, time-value of money, investment planning process, technical analysis, budgeting, measuring investment risk, and developing an online investment strategy.
Kiana will be revealing to you the exact strategies she uses for her own portfolio and her students'.
You'll learn how to:
1. Make more in one year getting your money to work for YOU, than you could in FIFTEEN YEARS working a 9-5 job.
2. NOT having to stick to your screen and analyze the markets all the time
3. Start with A LITTLE initial investment
Kiana DanialCEO and Founder of Invest Diva, Kiana Danial is an award-winning, internationally recognized personal investing and wealth management expert. She is a highly sought-after professional speaker, author and executive coach who delivers inspirational workshops and seminars to corporations, universities and entrepreneurial groups. She is a frequent expert on many TV and radio stations and has reported on the financial markets directly from the floor of NYSE and NASDAQ. She is a weekly investment expert guest on Tokyo’s #1 Investment TV Show. She has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, TIME Magazine, CNN, Forbes, The Street, – and numerous other publications.
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