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Editor's Picks Analysis & Opinion

Brenda O'Farrell
6 Companies Added To Main Cannabis ETFs By Brenda O'Farrell - Jan 05, 2021

One of the events that marked the close of 2020 in the cannabis sector was the announcement of the quarterly rebalancing of the two main exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that offer exposure to a cross...

Tezcan Gecgil/
2 ETFs For Investors With Financial New Year's Resolutions By Tezcan Gecgil/ - Jan 04, 2021

Wall Street had a stellar comeback since the lows of spring 2020. The Dow Jones Industrial Average, the S&P 500 index, and the NASDAQ 100 index ended the year up by 7.2%, 16.3%, and 47.6%.Despite...

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