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Amana Mutual Funds Trust Growth Fund Institutional (AMIGX)

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80.99 +0.54    +0.67%
30/01 - Delayed Data. Currency in USD
  • Morningstar Rating:
  • Total Assets: 2.91B
Type:  Fund
Market:  United States
Issuer:  Amana
Asset Class:  Equity
Amana Growth Institutional 80.99 +0.54 +0.67%

AMIGX Overview

On this page you'll find an in-depth profile of Amana Mutual Funds Trust Growth Fund Institutional. Learn about the key management, total assets, investment strategy and contact information of AMIGX among other information.

Large Growth

Total Assets




Inception Date


Investment Strategy

The investment seeks long-term capital growth, consistent with Islamic principles. The fund normally invests at least 80% of total net assets in common stocks. It invests only in common stocks, including foreign stocks. Investment decisions are made in accordance with Islamic principles. The fund diversifies its investments across industries and companies, and principally follows a large-cap value investment style.

Contact Information

Address Amana
Bellingham,WA 98227-0596
United States
Phone +1 8887326262
Fax 360-734-0755

Top Executives

Name Title Since Until
Christopher E. Paul Portfolio Manager 2020 Now
Biography Mr. Christopher E. Paul MBA, CFA®, portfolio manager of Sextant International Fund and equity portfolio manager of Sextant Core Fund, joined Saturna Capital in 2016. From 2008 to 2015, Mr. Paul served as director of research and research analyst with Cannell Capital, an alternative investment manager.Mr. Paul's experience includes research and management positions at asset management firms and investment banks, as well as finance and operations roles at technology companies.
Monem A. Salam Portfolio Manager 2018 Now
Biography Monem Salam is the Executive Director of the Manager as well as a director of Saturna Capital Corporation. He received his degrees from the University of Texas: Bachelor of Arts (Austin) and Master of Business Administration (Dallas). He worked as the Chief Investment Officer for ITG & Associates (Dallas) until 1999, then as a representative with Morgan Stanley (Dallas) until joining Saturna Capital in June 2003. He served as the Director of Islamic Investing and Deputy Portfolio Manager to the Amana Mutual Funds Trust until moving to Kuala Lumpur in 2012 to oversee Saturna Sdn. Bhd. In 2018, he returned to the United States. Monem is an Adjunct Professor at IE Business School and speaks at Islamic finance/investment conferences worldwide and he is co- author of ‘A Muslim’s Guide to Investing and Personal Finance’. Monem has authored the chapter on Islamic investing in both “Contemporary Islamic Finance”, “Islamic Capital Markets” and contributes articles to leading Islamic financial magazines. As a mark of recognition of his achievements in Islamic economy, in 2015 and 2019 the ISLAMICA 500 ranked Monem among 500 of the Islamic world’s most prominent and influential leaders.
Scott F. Klimo CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2012 Now
Biography Mr. Klimo is vice president and chief investment officer of Saturna Capital and a deputy portfolio manager of Amana Income and Amana Developing World Funds. He joined Saturna Capital in 2012 as director of research. He received his BA in Asian Studies from Hamilton College in Clinton, NY and also attended the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Mandarin Training Center in Taipei, Taiwan. Scott has more than 20 years experience in the financial industry with the first several years of his career spent living and working in a variety of Asian countries and the past 10 years working as a senior analyst, research director and portfolio manager covering global equities. He is a supporter of various environmental organizations and served for several years on the Board of Directors of the Marin County Bicycle Coalition. Outside of work, Mr. Klimo is an avid cyclist, private pilot, and scuba diver.From 2001 to 2011, he served as a senior investment analyst, research director, and portfolio manager at Avera Global Partners/Security Global Investors.
Nicholas F. Kaiser Director 1994 2020
Biography Nicholas Kaiser CFA®, MBA, chairman and controlling shareowner of Saturna Capital Corporation, was born in Bellingham in 1946. Mr. Kaiser graduated from Yale College with a degree in economics and obtained his MBA from the University of Chicago in 1968, with dual majors in International Economics and Finance. Mr. Kaiser purchased control of Unified Management Corporation (Indianapolis) in 1976, and built it into a mid-sized investment management and brokerage firm. After selling Unified to a major insurance company, he returned to Bellingham and founded Saturna Capital in 1989. Mr. Kaiser has been named to Morningstar’s Ultimate Stockpicker’s list three years running (2010, 2011, and 2012); he has twice been nominated for Morningstar’s Domestic Stock Portfolio Manager of the Year (2006 and 2008) and twice been named to Barron’s Top 100 Portfolio Managers (2001 and 2002). Mr. Kaiser was Northwest Business Monthly’s Business Person of the Year in 2006, and received Whatcom Business Alliance’s Lifetime Achievement Award for 2013.
Monem A. Salam Portfolio Manager 2008 2012
Biography Monem Salam is the Executive Director of the Manager as well as a director of Saturna Capital Corporation. He received his degrees from the University of Texas: Bachelor of Arts (Austin) and Master of Business Administration (Dallas). He worked as the Chief Investment Officer for ITG & Associates (Dallas) until 1999, then as a representative with Morgan Stanley (Dallas) until joining Saturna Capital in June 2003. He served as the Director of Islamic Investing and Deputy Portfolio Manager to the Amana Mutual Funds Trust until moving to Kuala Lumpur in 2012 to oversee Saturna Sdn. Bhd. In 2018, he returned to the United States. Monem is an Adjunct Professor at IE Business School and speaks at Islamic finance/investment conferences worldwide and he is co- author of ‘A Muslim’s Guide to Investing and Personal Finance’. Monem has authored the chapter on Islamic investing in both “Contemporary Islamic Finance”, “Islamic Capital Markets” and contributes articles to leading Islamic financial magazines. As a mark of recognition of his achievements in Islamic economy, in 2015 and 2019 the ISLAMICA 500 ranked Monem among 500 of the Islamic world’s most prominent and influential leaders.
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