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Commodities Analysis & Opinion

Barani Krishnan
Natural Gas: Let The Heat Begin By Barani Krishnan - Jun 11, 2020

The waiting game for summer heat has begun, and natural gas bulls will get to see how fast the market delivers on their conviction for $2 and above pricing.The past couple of weeks have been somewhat...

Pinchas Cohen
Chart Of The Day: Natural Gas Is Bottoming By Pinchas Cohen - Jun 09, 2020 1

Natural Gas Futures had been ranging ahead of Tropical Storm Cristobal which hit the Gulf Coast on Sunday. But well before the coronavirus pandemic, the commodity was falling along with the rest of...

Gwen Preston
Stocks Rising, Gold Easing But I’m Not Worried By Gwen Preston - Jun 03, 2020

Gold has eased a bit in the last few days as the broad market has exploded up. Why?Because traders really want everything to get back to normal, including getting indices back to their pre-COVID...

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