July 30 (Reuters) - Athabasca Oil Corp ATH.TO :
* Reports second quarter 2015 financial and operating results
* Says quarterly light oil production averaged 5,459 boe/d exceeding guidance
of 5,000 boe/d;
* Qtrly FFO per share $0.01
* Athabasca's revised 2015 capital budget stands at $291 million, down from
$305 million
* Says 2015 capital budget for light oil remains unchanged at $203 million
* Sees 2015 corporate year-end exit target remains between 10,000 - 14,000
* Qtrly oil sales volumes 2 million bbl/d versus 2.2 million bbl/d
* Says 2015 year-end light oil exit production guidance remains unchanged at
7,000 - 8,000 boe/d
* Source text for Eikon ID:nMKW64pG0a
* Further company coverage ATH.TO