July 29 (Reuters) - First Quantum Minerals Ltd FM.TO :
* Reports second quarter 2015 results
* Q2 earnings per share $0.03 excluding items
* Q2 earnings per share view $0.10 -- Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S
* Says "remain on course to achieve the production guidance outlined at the
beginning of the year"
* Production totaled 46,700 tonnes of copper anode and 201,300 tonnes of
sulphuric acid for kansanshi's smelter
* Qtrly loss per share $0.16
* Sees FY capital expenditures, excluding capitalization of any pre-commercial
production costs and capitalized interest, of $1.4 billion
* Full year 2015 production estimates maintained for all major metals
* Says FY 2015 cash operating cost guidance for copper reduced to $1.25 - $1.40
per pound and nickel to $4.75 - $5.00 per pound
* Source text for Eikon ID:nCCN2YdR0q
* Further company coverage FM.TO