(Corrects paragraph 1 and headline to indicate TransCanada
could start shipments by July 2 instead of will)
HOUSTON, June 13 (Reuters) - TransCanada Corp TRP.TO could
begin crude shipments on its Houston Lateral pipeline by July 2,
which will connect its Keystone Pipeline to Houston, Texas,
according to a tariff filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission (FERC) in early June.
* The company on June 1 submitted a filing with regulators
to set tariff rates on the line, which will be effective by July
2, the filing said.
* The lateral will terminate at a storage terminal in
Houston, Texas with initial capacity for 700,000 barrels of
crude oil
* The tariff for light crude deliveries from Hardisty,
Alberta to Houston, Texas will be $7.113 per barrel and the rate
for heavy crude on that route will be $7.730 per barrel, the
same price as shipments of crude from Hardisty to Port Arthur,
Texas, according to the filing
* A spokesperson for TransCanada did not immediately respond
to a request for a comment.