HOUSTON, June 22 (Reuters) - TransCanada Corp TRP.TO on
Wednesday cut its forecast for crude flows on its 590,000 barrel
per day (bpd) Keystone Pipeline from Hardisty, Alberta to
Patoka, Illinois and Cushing, Oklahoma for the remainder of
June, according to a shipper notice seen by Reuters.
Flows on the pipeline will average 396,140 barrels per day
from June 22 until the end of the month, according to the
notice, a 7 percent decline from where the operator had forecast
monthly flows around the start of June.
The cut comes as producers in Canada are scrambling to
restore production after a massive wildfire knocked more than 1
million barrels per day of oil production offline last month.
A June 7 shipper notice had forecast flows on the pipeline
to average 425,963 bpd through the end of June.
TransCanada anticipates 49 percent of the Keystone volume to
flow to the Hartford/Patoka hub, and the remainder to ship to
Cushing, according to the latest notice.
A spokesman for the company did not immediately respond to a
request for comment.