Engineer your Finances - If you want to be financially healthy, you need to know how to manage your money. However, many people don’t know how to do this. They either avoid doing anything related to money until they absolutely have to, or they jump feet-first into something that looks like it will make them rich.
Neither of these approaches is healthy. You need to know how to handle your money sensibly in a way that will gradually increase your wealth. If you want money management tips, you need to know some common mistakes. Here are three financial mistakes to avoid in 2024.
Not Paying off Credit Card Balances
Credit cards can be extremely handy. If you’re making an investment in your home, they can be worth using. Installing hardwood flooring can get you back 106% of your investment when it comes time to sell your home. So, if you pay for this on credit and then pay off your balance, you end up making money.
However, this means you need to pay off the balance. Leaving it on your card will collect interest and cost you a great deal of money. So make sure that you pay off your credit card balance every month. This will help you stay financially healthy while also receiving the benefits you can get from using credit cards.
Lying on Tax Forms
It can be frustrating when a large portion of your paycheck gets taken for taxes. However, you should never lie on your tax forms in order to avoid paying that money. You are legally obligated to pay your taxes; the government can come after you if you don’t. At best, you’ll end up paying them anyway. But you could also risk fines and jail time.
Despite the overall decrease in crime in the United States, the Sentencing Project says that the inmate population has increased 500% over the last forty years. If you don’t want to join their ranks, be honest about your tax information. This is not a good way to save money, and the government will track you down for lack of payment.
Putting off Essential Repairs
Money management tips encourage you to save money as much as possible. If you don’t have much money to spare, doing repairs around your house can seem like a waste of valuable resources. But if you own your own home, it is essential that you keep up with the basic maintenance and essential repairs that are required. Otherwise, you might end up spending even more money in the long run.
Heating your home generally costs about 42% of your utility bill, more than any other system in your house. If you have a heater that isn’t working properly, this amount will be higher than it needs to be. Combine this with leaky windows and poor insulation, and you’re throwing money away. Taking care of these small repairs early on can save a lot of money in the long run. So make sure that you budget for required maintenance and repairs. This will help you avoid larger utility bills and potential major repairs in the future.
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This article was originally published on Engineer your Finances