Stocks remained mixed on Monday in lack of any major trigger. The S&P/TSX Composite Index fell by 36 points, or 0.2%, to 21,256 yesterday amid mixed signals from the commodity market. While surging gold and silver prices helped the shares of precious metals mining companies inch up, a correction in crude oil prices drove Canadian energy stocks lower. Let’s take a quick look at some of the most active stocks and top movers on the TSX from the last session.
Top TSX movers and active stocks The shares of Hut 8 Mining continued to rally for the second session in a row. After posting 13% gains on Friday, HUT stock extended its gains by another 10% in the last session. The recent bounce back in the value of key cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin and Ethereum, has fueled a recovery in the Canadian crypto miner’s shares. This is one of the reasons why HUT stock has already risen by 21% in February so far after losing more than 24% of its value in January.
The shares of gold and silver mining companies like New Gold Inc (TSX:NGD), K92 Mining (TSX:KNT), and Fortuna Silver Mines (TSX:FVI) were also among the top-performing TSX stocks yesterday, as they inched up by more than 7% each.
In contrast, stocks like Ballard Power Systems (TSX:BLDP), Advantage Energy, and Peyto Exploration & Development dived by at least 4% each, making them the worst-performing stocks on the main Canadian market index.
Based on their daily trade volume, energy stocks like Enbridge (TSX:ENB), Cenovus Energy (TSX:CVE), Suncor Energy (TSX:SU), and Baytex Energy Corp (TSX:BTE) traded with heavy volume.
TSX today Given an early morning weakness in the commodity prices across the board, TSX stocks are likely to open slightly lower on Tuesday. Investors may want to pay attention to the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s latest short-term energy outlook report this afternoon. A surprising change in the outlook may lead to high volatility in energy stocks on the TSX today. Overall, I expect stocks to remain mixed to slightly bearish today, as investors start adjusting their positions before the corporate earnings season heats up in the coming weeks.
The post TSX Today: What to Watch for in Stocks on Tuesday, February 8 appeared first on The Motley Fool Canada.
The Motley Fool recommends Enbridge. The Motley Fool recommends and owns Bitcoin and Ethereum. Fool contributor Jitendra Parashar has no position in any of the stocks mentioned.
This Article Was First Published on The Motley Fool