OTTAWA, March 9 (Reuters) - The United States sees no urgent
need for a new energy pipeline between Canada and the United
States, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Wednesday, in
a broadcast interview ahead of a visit to Washington by Prime
Minister Justin Trudeau.
The U.S. government will evaluate new proposals
individually, but is looking at new, cleaner technologies, Kerry
said to the Canadian Broadcasting Corp.
"We have some 300 pipelines, it's not as if we're
pipeline-less," Kerry said, according to a story on the
broadcaster's website. "Things change, technologies in
particular help to change things, and we need to push the
technology curve."
Trudeau will attend a state dinner on Thursday, becoming the
first Canadian leader to do so since 1997, as the two countries
aim to fix a frayed relationship.
U.S. President Barack Obama last year blocked the
cross-border Keystone XL crude oil pipeline proposed by
TransCanada Corp TRP.TO in a victory for environmentalists.