U.Today - Tron blockchain founder and former chief executive of Tron Foundation has taken to Twitter/X social media platform to share a cryptic tweet written in Elon Musk’s style — it contains digits loved by the X app owner and clearly reminds of Musk’s “420” tweets he posted before 2022.
The crypto community eagerly responded to Sun’s message, understanding it each in their own way, it seems.
Justin Sun issues mysterious tweet
Former Tron Foundation chief tweeted “420 69” — a typical Elon Musk tweet. The “420” (“4/20”) stands for April 20, which is the “International Dogecoin Day” and also the day celebrated by weed smokers. As for “69,” Elon Musk a few years ago jokingly tweeted that his birthday stands 69 days away from the 4/20 day — June 28.Elon Musk is a prominent supporter of caught his attention around 2018-2019. Back then, Musk began tweeting about DOGE, often adding the “420” to it. Those were “early” days in a way, since the attention of the Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) boss and a great meme lover was flattering to the Dogecoin community, so Musk’s tweets often had a large impact on the Dogecoin price and pushed it way upward.
Elon Musk remains biggest Dogecoin fan
In 2021, thanks to soared to an all-time high of $0.7376 (on May 8) and is now changing hands at $0.7376, that is 87.8% below that historic price peak — the DOGE price went down sharply approximately one month after reaching the all-time high.Prior to that, Musk endorsed Dogecoin heavily on Twitter and on TV; he referred to himself as “The DogeFather” on Twitter (referring to the iconic novel and movie “The Godfather”) and then he spoke for a whole evening about Dogecoin as he debuted on the Saturday Night Live show, among other subjects. But Musk then exposed DOGE and crypto in general to millions of television viewers.
Overall, Musk has multiple times referred to Dogecoin as “the currency for the people” in his tweets, although as time passed, they lost that strong “Elon Musk” effect on DOGE. The Tesla boss later admitted to owning Dogecoin, Bitcoin and Ethereum without revealing the size of his cryptocurrency holdings.