Aug 21 (Reuters) - National Energy Board :
* National Energy Board hearing panel for Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion project postpones oral summary arguments
* National Energy Board-Trans Mountain filed direct written evidence prepared by Steven Kelly and IHS Global Canada in support of project
* National Energy Board- "Kelly has since been appointed to the NEB, an appointment that takes effect October 13, 2015"
* National Energy Board on Trans Mountain Expansion oral hearings- hearing panel has decided to strike evidence prepared by kelly from hearing record
* NEB on trans mountain expansion oral hearings- panel directed trans mountain to provide list identifying all evidence prepared by kelly
* NEB on trans mountain expansion oral hearings- panel directed trans mountain to advise whether it plans to replace evidence prepared by kelly
* NEB on trans mountain expansion oral hearings- "hearing panel will not proceed with oral summary argument in Calgary or Burnaby at this time"
* NEB on trans mountain expansion oral hearings- panel to address next steps after receiving,considering all information outlined in decision letter
* Further company coverage KMI.N