Dec 8 (Reuters) -
* Bank of Canada Governor Poloz says we've got all the
ingredients of a recovery in place
* Poloz says we need to be a little bit patient, no reason
to be contemplating unconventional measures
* Poloz says quite encouraged by what he's seeing
* Poloz says the U.S. recovery continues to fulfil the
bank's expectations
* Poloz says if we do see higher U.S. interest rates, it's
because of confidence in the upturn
* Poloz says conversations with corporate leaders shows a
great deal of caution
* Poloz says notes housing starts data was very strong, says
data is a mix
* Poloz says lower oil prices likely to help growth
globally, which should ultimately be good for Canada
* Poloz says the shock we're going through does have two
sides to it
Source text for Eikon: ID:
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