April 28 (Reuters) - Petroshale Inc PSH.V
* Petroshale announces financial, operating and reserves update and year ended December 31, 2016 results
* Petroshale's current production is approximately 2,800 BOE per day, an increase of 50 pct from Q4 average
* Year end 2016 P+P reserves increased to 31.5 million BOE, from 25.5 million BOE at December 31, 2015
* NPV10 of year end P+P reserves increased to $399.5 million, a 29 pct increase over $308.7 million last year
* "Expect to see improved differentials between WTI and Bakken crude prices in 2017 due to commencement of operations of dakota access pipeline" Source text for Eikon: ID:nMKW9mhw6a Further company coverage: PSH.V