By Dave Graham
MEXICO CITY, March 6 (Reuters) - The window for a new NAFTAtrade deal before Mexico's July presidential election isclosing, and with it, the chances for the ruling party to claima win in its battle with U.S. President Donald Trump and bolsterits bid to retain power. President Enrique Pena Nieto has devoted considerable energyto trying to counter Trump. The American president took officevowing to rebalance trade at Mexico's expense, blaming thecountry for many of the United States' problems, threatening topull out of NAFTA and promising to make Mexico pay for a U.S.border wall.
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) underpinsthe bulk of Mexico's trade, and lobbying of U.S. policymakers byMexican leaders has helped keep alive talks to rework the 1994accord longer than some skeptics anticipated.
However, Trump has issued threats against NAFTA throughout,linking the ongoing renegotiation to Mexico paying for the wall,and suggesting the country would not avoid punitive tariffs onsteel and aluminum unless a "fair" deal was agreed.
The NAFTA talks have made slow progress since starting inAugust, with only a few chapters concluded amid resistance fromMexico and Canada to tough U.S. demands aimed at slashing thecountry's trade deficit with its neighbors. the fraught negotiations about to spill into theelection campaign, Mexico's ruling Institutional RevolutionaryParty (PRI) has less room to respond vigorously to Trump'sprovocations than its political rivals.
Enrique Jackson, a PRI lawmaker, said Trump's NAFTAmaneuvers played into the hands of the front-runner to succeedPena Nieto, opposition leftist Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.
Because he has no responsibility for the negotiation, LopezObrador can criticize the government on NAFTA and promise to fixthings once he becomes president, Jackson said.
"The fact is we have very knowledgeable, experienced people,but they're up against this capricious, closed and authoritarianstance of Trump," he told Reuters.
"Reason does not prevail when you're looking for someone topay the cost. And so it's the government that pays the cost. Andthe government is the PRI," he added.
Lopez Obrador, who has vowed to put Trump "in his place" ifelected in July, was ahead of the third-placed PRI candidateJose Antonio Meade by nearly 20 percentage points, according toa poll by newspaper Reforma published in mid-February.
Meade, a former finance minister with no formal partyaffiliation, has been weighed down by Pena Nieto's legacy.
A steady stream of scandals have solidified the PRI'sreputation for corruption, and Pena Nieto's failure to curb gangviolence or meet his economic growth targets have eroded supportfor the once-dominant party.
Mexican law bars Pena Nieto from seeking re-election. Mostpolls put Ricardo Anaya, a former leader of the center-rightNational Action Party (PAN) who heads a right-left coalition, insecond place.
Jorge Buendia, head of polling firm Buendia & Laredo, saidif Pena Nieto could strike a deal on NAFTA, it would probablydeliver at least a short-term boost to the PRI.
However, the government is more vulnerable to downside risk,he argued. "People are more sensitive to what they lose thanwhat they gain," Buendia said.
Pena Nieto pitched his presidency on a platform of economicliberalization, earning plaudits from U.S.-based investors.
He and Meade have sought to frame the election as areferendum on those reforms, which ranged from ending adecades-long state oil monopoly to taking steps to loosenbillionaire Carlos Slim's hold on the telecommunications market.
Yet Trump's nationalist posturing at Mexico's expense hasundercut that message, fanning the appeal of Lopez Obrador'spledge to reduce Mexico's dependence on foreign powers.
Wedded to a liberal economic vision, Pena Nieto has limitedscope to hit back against Trump. Mexico depends heavily on U.S.firms for foreign investment, and 80 percent of its exports aresold to its northern neighbor.
With Trump branding NAFTA a U.S.-job-killing "disaster,"Mexican officials have been circumspect about the chances ofquickly renegotiating the accord.
After the latest round of NAFTA renegotiations, U.S. TradeRepresentative Robert Lighthizer on Monday sought to acceleratethe talks, floating the idea of agreeing a deal "in principle"in coming weeks before electoral hurdles move center stage.
Mexican Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo offered support,arguing those weeks should be used to narrow differences on thethorniest issues.
However, four participants at the talks consulted by Reuterswere skeptical about a quick fix and said the renegotiationcould extend into 2019, assuming Trump remained committed.
Guajardo himself said a deal was not dependent on "politicalcalendars" and that the administration would keep negotiatinguntil Pena Nieto's term ends on Nov. 30 if necessary.
Even if a preliminary accord can be reached, Trump willlikely continue to attack Mexico in the run-up to the U.S.mid-term elections in November, said Juan Carlos Romero Hicks, amember of the Mexican Senate's foreign relations committee.
"He's got an electorate he's going to cultivate from here tothe first Tuesday of November, and it's about fear of Mexico,jobs, and so on," Romero said. "He's a bully. He thinkseverything gets done this way, by making threats." (Editing by Frank Jack Daniel, Daniel Flynn and CynthiaOsterman)