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By Padhraic Garvey and Benjamin SchroederThe Rally In Long-End Rates Extended With the Curve Flattening AcceleratingOverall, we have now seen a drop of close to 30bp in 10-Year and longer yields over...
US Treasury yields retreated in the last week of October, as signs of easing inflation offset strong Q3 economic growth. The core price consumer expenditure index, a measure of inflation closely...
Yields on U.S. Treasury bonds shot up to levels not seen since early 2007 – the start of the subprime mortgage crisis - following Jerome Powell’s speech. The latter suggested that...
United States 10-Year yields are closing in on 5%. What's the Big Deal? What does it mean for stocks and gold?
Bonds have been selling off for quite a while now Once considered the safest investment, the sell-off has proven how risky long-duration bonds can be This is a great opportunity for investors to...
Treasury yield levels are overwhelmingly a function of inflation. However, in the short run, a plethora of influences can explain deviations between yields and inflation. These factors, which we call...
The US 10-year Treasury yield continues to rise, pushing ever higher above CapitalSpectator.com’s “fair-value” estimate, which is based on averaging three models. The trend...
After over a month of continuous rise, the yields on government bonds plunged this week amid rising geopolitical tensions in the Middle East and not-so-hawkish comments from U.S. Federal Reserve...
Psychology in markets is always fascinating. In February 2009, I wrote “8 Reasons For A Bull Market.” While in hindsight, it is easy to see that was the right call, overall, psychology was...
The rise in long-term U.S. Treasury yields continues, mainly due to structural changes that are expected to result in high inflation. These changes include the transition to alternative energy,...
The ongoing bear market in Treasury bonds is among the worst on record, but several sectors of the fixed-income market remain ports in a storm, based on year-to-date results through Thursday (Oct. 5)...
While bond yields have risen sharply lately, fund flows into bonds tell two very different stories. We have previously written much on the recent rise in bond yields related to economic growth, event...
The bond market rout continues to deteriorate and cause growing pains for banks. Losses in long-maturity bonds are nearing historical levels after coming under severe pressure due to...
There are several indicators to watch when assessing risk across the financial markets, and today we discuss one of the more important ones. Junk bonds. When junk bonds are performing well and in...
Long-term Treasury yields climbed again this week at levels unseen since 2007 for the US 10-year note (up 14 basis points at 4.58%). By contrast, it’s worth noting that the 2-year Treasury...