Oct 14 (Reuters) - Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc (N:VRX) VRX.TO :
* Provides update regarding government inquiries
* Responds to a letter from Senator Claire McCaskill concerning company's
products Nitropress and Isuprel
* Response addressed history of Nitropress, Isuprel,reimbursement process for
hospital procedures,among other topics
* Says recently received a subpoena from the U.S. attorney's office for
district of Massachusetts
* Says also recieved subpoena from the U.S. attorney's office for the southern
district of New York
* Says company is reviewing the subpoenas and intends to cooperate with the
* Says is reviewing the subpoenas and intends to cooperate with the
* Says most materials requested by subpoenas relate to documents with respect
to patient assistance programs
* Suboenas also include requests relating to financial support provided by the
company for patients
* Source text for Eikon ID:nPn9XPtbC
* Further company coverage VRX.TO